the Spring of our Life

Our First Season - our spring ...
our birth, our form

In an astrology chart this would relate to our first quarter,
our discovery of first steps, how we build ourselves and form our identity, along with the trials we overcome to find our place among all things on earth.

The five tree symbols in this quarter ... 

Beith the Birch - birthing
first life and bringer of life onto this earth
click for my story poem and more about birch

Luis the Rowan - loving
discovery of passion, discovery of love
click for my story poem and more about rowan

Fearn the Alder - sensing
discovering our senses, discovering our response to elements
click for my story poem and more about alder

Saille the Willow - balancing
experiencing the ebbs and flow of sorrow and joy
click for my story poem and more about willow

Nuin the Ash - accepting
learning tolerance and forgiveness
click for my story poem and more about ash

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